[Day 804] Adult things to do

1. For the first time in my life, I invested in a nice set of sheets and expensive pillows. I used to go to IKEA and buy the cheapest thing that didn’t repulse me, so this leap of faith made me feel very adult.

2. I promised to watch a rugby game with Dylan 3 years ago, and today, I finally fulfilled it. It was my luck with it was Rugby World Cup Sevens — a version of Rugby played with only 7 players on each team, with each half lasting 7 minutes. Continue reading “[Day 804] Adult things to do”

[Day 804] Adult things to do

[Day 696] I lost my hair virginity

I was in Orange County and this showed up in my inbox:

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This made me feel a bit rebellious so I wanted to do something different. Dying my hair was one of the things I’d wanted to try for a long time but never did.  For one thing, I’ve heard that dying my hair could potentially damage it. For another, I’ve spent my entire life learning to accept my hair for what it is so I was worried that dying my hair would only make it worse.

Continue reading “[Day 696] I lost my hair virginity”

[Day 696] I lost my hair virginity

[Day 683] It must have been love …

.. but it’s over now.

I finished the last exam of my Stanford career today. Halfway through the last exam, I kept checking my watch to see how much longer I had to pretend to care. Looking at the tense, sweaty faces around me, I had that strange out-of-body experience of looking at my past self. “Whatever is happening now, it’s already in the past.” The outcome of this exam wouldn’t affect my future self one tiny bit. It was over. I’d already checked out. Continue reading “[Day 683] It must have been love …”

[Day 683] It must have been love …

[Day 636] Instant karma

Last week, I was being a bad person.

One, a girl living in my house wasn’t very nice to me and my friend. She wanted to explain herself, but I just walked out on her mid-conversation. I wasn’t even that mad at her. I just don’t like people who aren’t nice to my friends.

Two, there’s that one American English teacher in Vietnam whose story has been upsetting me for a long time. First, he made a condescending video showing how his parents react to the way Vietnamese people speaking English to prove that Vietnamese English teachers can’t teach English, together with another video instructing Vietnamese people on how to dine with westerners. Dude, if you make your living in Vietnam, you’d better learn to dine with us, not the other way around. Continue reading “[Day 636] Instant karma”

[Day 636] Instant karma

[Day 604] New year, old me

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I think I’ve either had a pretty good year, or repeated life misadventures have really lowered my standards. I ended 2017 on a happy note, watching fireworks by the river, eating street food, and screaming at random strangers while Dani was silently judging. I found myself working hard, building stronger relationships with people I care about, and having a lot of fun. Here are some of the things I was happy about in 2017:

Continue reading “[Day 604] New year, old me”

[Day 604] New year, old me

[Day 282] The pressure of impressing new people

Some of the cool things that happened today:

  • Jeff Dean high-fived me! I was having a drink with Brennan Saeta at the TensorFlow after-party when I looked up and realized that standing right next to me was Jeff Dean. “OMG that’s Jeff Dean,” I said, slightly freaking out. “I’m just going to act casual. No big deal.” Brennan laughed: “Would you like to say hi to him?” “Maaaybe.” So Brennan introduced me to Jeff and Jeff thought that teaching a TensorFlow class was cool.
  • I guess my *new* best friend just got on the cover of Nature. Brett Kuprel was featured on the cover of Nature before he turned 25. PhD students these days (shaking head).

Continue reading “[Day 282] The pressure of impressing new people”

[Day 282] The pressure of impressing new people

[Day 207] Quick update on what I’ve been up to

As some of you have kindly pointed out, I haven’t blogged for a while. Here are two possible explanations:

  1. Juggling school, teaching, writing, and a decent social life is rough.
  2. I’m an unmotivated, lazy piece of sh*t.

So, to keep you up to date with my life, because you know it’s sooo exciting, here are some of the things that have happened to me recently.

Continue reading “[Day 207] Quick update on what I’ve been up to”

[Day 207] Quick update on what I’ve been up to

[Day 164] Life without Facebook


I just want to let you know that I’ve been off Facebook for a month, and I haven’t had any desire to get back on it. It’s liberating. Here are some aspects of my life that have become much better without Facebook.

  • I feel more connected to people. It’s ironic since Facebook is supposed to help you connect to your friends, but I feel that connections on Facebook are superficial because they are too convenient. Now, people I interact with are people who really want to interact with me. They would go out of their way to get my number or to send me an email. And I do the same to people I want to connect with.

Continue reading “[Day 164] Life without Facebook”

[Day 164] Life without Facebook

[Day 66] Living that Bae Life

So guys, I’m back in the Bay Area, and here are some updates about my life at the moment.

I work in San Francisco, room in Berkeley, party like it’s 1920s because it was the Prohibition period and I don’t drink.

I live in a beautiful house on top of a hill, overlooking the bay and several of its bridges. My three roommates are all competitive chess players–they became grandmasters in their early teens and naturally all they ever talk about is chess. They refer to me as their “non chess player friend” in the same loving manner the Malfoys do when they talk about the Muggles.

Continue reading “[Day 66] Living that Bae Life”

[Day 66] Living that Bae Life