[Day -1] Moving to a new blog

Hi friends and strangers,

I had so much fun writing this blog over the last 4 years. I enjoyed sharing what I learned with you, and I learned even more from your thoughtful comments.

However, as I reluctantly accept my responsibilities as an adult, I can no longer write a post every day. My long-form writing will be posted on huyenchip.com and my fragments of thoughts will be posted on Twitter (@chipro).

Thank you so much for your continuing support!

[Day -1] Moving to a new blog

[Day 0] Hello, world!

Hi there,

I’m Chip. I’m a student looking for healthy distraction from homework. I want to learn something new every day and, hopefully, blog about it. It can be anything, ranging from maths, psychology, philosophy, technologies to random conversations I have with interesting strangers.

If there is something you want me to learn and write about, you can put a comment here or reach me at: Screen Shot 2016-05-19 at 11.28.49 AM

Wish me luck!


[Day 0] Hello, world!