[Day 800] A thought experiment

Stanford sent me an email about “intent to bill” for damages in the room I used to stay. They must have been confused because when I moved out of that room almost 4 months ago, they came to clean/inspect and everything was fine. Then somebody else moved into my room right after that and stayed until now-ish.

As I wrote back, I felt an intense desire to end my email with “Much love”. Continue reading “[Day 800] A thought experiment”

[Day 800] A thought experiment

[Day 2] Exclamation marks in emails, yes or nah?

I’m taking a writing workshop with Professor Elizabeth Tallent–a fascinating writer and a great teacher. As is often the case with writing workshops, we get to talk about a lot of interesting topics and today we got around to our favorite/least favorite punctuations. Yep, you read it right: punctuations. How can you not get excited? And yep, some people do have very strong feelings for those tiny little things that most of us ignore while texting anyway. Continue reading “[Day 2] Exclamation marks in emails, yes or nah?”

[Day 2] Exclamation marks in emails, yes or nah?