[Day 795] Is Andrej Karpathy human?

Sophia the robot visited Vietnam today and VnExpress asked me to write an op-ed about what it means to be human. In the article, I mentioned the program that Andrej Karpathy wrote that generated Shakespeare-sounding text.

I didn’t think much of it until my editor texted me: “Is Andrej Karpathy human?”

I was like: “I guess.”

She was disappointed and took that example out of my article.

[Day 795] Is Andrej Karpathy human?

[Day 73] Let’s make a bet about the future

I have just found out about a website that totally changed the way I spend my free time. It’s called the Long Bets. We read about Long Bets while checking out the Interval, a retro, steampunk-ish, peculiar-looking place that claimed to be a “bar cafe museum”. As a side note, the Interval is such a pretty place that is definitely worth a visit.


Continue reading “[Day 73] Let’s make a bet about the future”

[Day 73] Let’s make a bet about the future